Clermont Dog Bite Lawyer
Dogs might be man’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean accidents don’t happen. Every year, thousands of Floridians are injured in dog bites and animal attacks both outdoors and in the home. According to the Florida Health Department, the vast majority of dog bites involve children under the age of 6. And despite common beliefs that there are dangerous dog breeds such as pit bulls, rottweilers, and Dobermans, the dog breeds most commonly associated with dog bites include smaller dogs such as chihuahuas and poodles. And while a Chihuahua or poodle may not have the bite strength or power to overpower an adult, their bites can still cause severe injuries, disfigurement, and lasting traumatic pain.
If a dog has bitten you or a loved one, you must retain professional legal counsel from experienced personal injury attorneys if you wish to take legal action against the dog’s owner. Our Florida law firm has years of experience explaining the legal options to clients involved in personal injury accidents of all sorts, including animal attacks. We would proudly represent your legal rights in pursuit of financial recovery for lost income, medical bills, and more.
To learn more about our legal services and how to hold dog owners liable for a dog bite accident, please contact our law office to schedule your free initial consultation today.
What Should You Do if You’ve Been the Victim of a Dog Attack?
Immediately following a dog bite, call for emergency medical attention. Additionally, summon the police to the accident scene, even if you believe the dog bite and associated injuries are insignificant in nature. In some cases, the animal involved in the attack may be sick or rabid, which could cause medical complications even with the smallest bite.
While you should scream for help if necessary, try not to become hostile with the dog’s owner, as this could potentially trigger violence and new levels of danger.
After the dog bite has stopped and the dog is either back in its pen or on a leash, attempt to get the dog owner’s address and contact information.
Before long, you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss your dog bite case. Our legal team will work to prove your claim and explain your legal options as you seek fair compensation for your injuries and other losses. To learn more about our legal services, please contact us to schedule your free, no-obligation case evaluation today.
Is Florida a Strict Liability State for Dog Attacks?
Florida is a strict liability state. The relevant statute (767.04) reads that “The owner of any dog that bites any person while such person is on or in a public place, or lawfully on or in a private place, including the property of the owner of the dog, is liable for damages suffered by persons bitten, regardless of the former viciousness of the dog or the owner’s knowledge of such viciousness.” This means that the dog owner is liable for injuries even if the dog had never bitten anyone before or was not considered a dangerous breed.
Further, the statute explains that “any negligence on the part of the person bitten that is a proximate cause of the biting incident reduces the liability of the owner of the dog by the percentage that the bitten person’s negligence contributed to the biting incident.” This means that even though the dog owner is liable, your damages could be reduced by the percentage that you are found responsible for the incident. Some of the arguments for comparative negligence include unlawfully being on the property where the dog bite occurred, provoking the animal, or if the animal was defending a person from a perceived threat and/or attack.
What Are Common Dog Bite Injuries?
Some damages are obvious, such as an injury like a wound or cut, permanent scarring, and/or permanent disfigurement.
Common injuries seen in dog bite cases include the following:
- Bruises and lacerations
- Facial disfigurement
- Soft-tissue injuries like torn ligaments and muscles
- Deep flesh wounds
- Loss of vision or speech
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Broken bones
- Nerve damage
- Scarring
- The puncture wounds
- Infections
- Amputations
However, other damages may also occur. Some examples of these are high medical bills for treatment, prescription costs, surgery, or scar revision procedures. In addition, wage loss for time missed from work or even having to hire paid assistance for tasks or jobs you can no longer perform at home can be considered.
Dog bites can be very traumatic injuries, and most people do not understand what is necessary to bring forth a claim for damages. If you or someone you know has questions about a dog bite incident or any other injury claim, please feel free to contact our office. We know the difficulties of navigating any type of injury claim and want to help you get through it.
How Might Dog Owners Be Held Liable in Dog Bite Cases?
Dog bite cases raise several questions, such as whether the dog was naturally aggressive, whether the victim was trespassing, whether there was a warning sign about the dog, or whether the animal was provoked. Your dog bite lawyers are well-versed in Florida laws and can help you hold at-fault parties accountable for any damages following a dog bite incident.
Dog owners have an obligation to keep others safe from the animals they keep. Failure to take proper precautions could result in their dogs attacking and injuring other people.
Examples of how dog owners sometimes fail to keep others safe from their dogs include the following:
- Failure to keep a dog on a leash in a public area
- Knowingly allowing a dangerous animal around others
- Failing to have a dog immunized, which could lead to the transfer of infections or disease
- Animal abuse, which can result in aggressive behavior
- Not disclosing a history of violent or aggressive behavior on the part of the dog
- Failing to supervise an animal properly
- Failure to post necessary signage of the existence of a dog
Contact Us to Schedule a Free Consultation with an Experienced Clermont Dog Bite Attorney Today
With a well-argued case, it is possible to recover economic and noneconomic damages from personal injury claims. These damages can help pay you back your medical bills, lost wages, and other economic losses. Additionally, they can help compensate you for emotional distress, lost enjoyment of life, disfigurement, disability, or wrongful death.
If an animal has bitten you or a loved one, you must retain professional legal representation if you wish to recover maximum compensation for your injuries. Our personal injury law firm has years of experience representing clients and a variety of personal injury cases, including dog bite incidents. To learn more about our legal services and how we may assist you during this difficult time, please contact our Florida law office to schedule your free consultation today. You can reach us at 407-287-6757.